Looking for an entire book, an article or even a passage from something you are interested in reading to be translated into English? We can assist by providing expert translation of Islamic texts from Arabic or Farsi. Contact us for further details including rate and turn around time.

Some of the projects which we have translated include the following.

1. Simplified Islamic Laws for Youth and Young Adults according to the edicts of Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayyid Ali al-Husayni as-Seestani
2. Secrets of the Hajj by Ayatullah al-ʿUzma Shaykh Husayn Mazaheri
3. The Islamic Moral System: A Commentary of Sūratul Hujurat by Ayatullah al-ʿUzma Shaykh Jafar Subhani
4. Islamic Edicts on Family Planning by the UNFPA with the Ministry of Health of the Islamic Republic of Iran
5. Guiding the Youth of the New Generation by Ayatullah Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari
6. The Spiritual Journey – Hajj [40 Aḥādīth] by Mahmud Mahdipur
8. Introduction to the Science of Tafsir of the Qurʾan by Ayatullah al-ʿUzma Shaykh Jafar Subhani
9. Commentary of the 29th Section of the Noble Quran* by Ayatullah al-ʿUzma Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi
10. Moral Management* by Abbas Rahimi
11. Message of the Qurān – Volume 1 – A Thematic Exegesis of the Noble Qurān by Ayatullah al-ʿUzma Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi
12. Ramaḍhān Reflections