About the IPH

Abū ʿAbdillāh narrates from his ancestors, peace be upon all of them, who said the following: “A man once came to the Messenger of Allāh, blessings of Allāh be upon him and his family, and said, ‘O’ Messenger of Allāh, what is knowledge?’ The Prophet replied, ‘It is silence.’ The man then asked, ‘Then what?’ The Prophet said, ‘It is listening.’ The man asked, ‘Then what?’ The Prophet replied, ‘Then it is remembering.’ The man asked, ‘Then what?’ The Prophet said, ‘Then it is to practice (according to what has been learnt).’ The man then asked, ‘Then what O’ Messenger of Allāh?’ The Prophet replied, ‘Then it is to disseminate (what one has learned).’”

Founded on the above quoted impactful statement of the Messenger of Allāh, the Islamic Publishing House is Canada’s premier publisher of high quality Islamic literature for Muslims of all ages. Our mission is to ensure that authentic literature representing the true teachings of Islam as taught by Prophet Muḥammad and his immaculate family – the Ahlul Bayt – is made available for everyone in a clear and easy to understand English.

Over the past fifteen years, we have produced 20 full-length texts which have been distributed throughout the world in print and 7 ePublications through the generous donations of well-wishers around the world — in addition to facilitating the publication of Islamic literature for publishers around the globe, having worked on hundreds of titles for scholars, researchers, non-Profit charities, University Presses and NGOs .

With the ever-changing landscape of how and where people take in information, we have embarked on the creation of what we term, ‘visualations’ in which we fuse together audio, video and the written word to develop a unique educational experience – videos which are uploaded to our YouTube channel and also on our station at Shia TV – garnishing over 25,000 views in 6 months’ time!

Our publications and video productions are all supported by generous donations of individuals and non-Profit institutions in North America, for whom we are eternally grateful. To date, we have relied on the continued and generous support of:

1. Academy for Learning Islam – www.academyofislam.org
2. Islamic Humanitarian Service – www.al-haqq.com
3. Mohsin and Fauzia Jaffer Foundation
4. World Federation of KSIMC – www.world-federation.org
5. Jaffari Propagation Centre – www.jpconline.org

The Islamic Publishing House is more than just a publisher and retailer of Islamic literature, we are North America’s premier “go to point” for anything book related. With over 15 years of in-depth experience in the fields of translation, editing, book cover design, layout, print and global distribution, we are able to assist anyone from the independent publisher to the seasoned publishing house in getting their thoughts to print.

To date, we have worked on hundreds of books and other projects for authors, translators and major international Muslim publishers in Canada, USA, the UK and other regions. Using state of the art technology and cutting-edge software along with a large sampling of typefaces for English, Arabic, Farsi or Urdu text, we make every product unique – just as your writing demands. We offer competitive rates on all of our services and for a quote, or for more information, contact us.