Answers Provided by The Porch of Wisdom Institute UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Āyatullāh Shaykh Hadavi Tehrani – Translated by Saleem Bhimji and Edited by Arifa Hudda




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Question 1 Children of Satan
Question 2 The Touch of Satan
Question 3 Was Yazid Forgiven?
Question 4
The Masculine Pronoun  
Question 5
Why Does Allah use the Plural to Speak About Himself?
Question 6
Are Iblis and Shaytan the Same?
Question 7 Ten Promised Paradise
Question 8
Illegitimate Children and their Leading Prayers
Question 9
Worship – Individually or in a Collective?
Question 10 How to Reconcile Divine Blessings and Retribution
Question 11 How to End the Recitation of the Noble Quran
Question 12 Commemorating the Martyrdom of the Infallibles